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Quality carburettor rebuild kit from All Balls.
- Kits include all of the necessary components to repair a carburettor. ATV models with two carburettors include components to repair two carburettors.
- Kit includes necessary all O-rings, gaskets, jets, needle, mixture screw, float bowl screws, float valve needles and seat. (Needle jet and other pressed-in jets are not included in the kit.)
- OEM jet sizes are included in the kit. NBR rubber material is used on all O-rings and rubber gaskets NBR has excellent resistance to the ethanol used in today’s fuels.
- Applications that use paper float bowl gaskets are upgraded to High-Performance Interface Gasket material.
- Components included in the kits are based on US models and discretion must be used when attempting to install the kit on a non-US model.
- Off-road use only.